Waiting Patiently…

On Sunday, the Lord spoke those two words “wait patiently” to me. I am reminded of this earlier post from August 2020 encouraging us as believers to be on our guard against deception.

Satan is a counterfeiter of the things of God. It’s such a wicked thing to deceive people in this way by pretending to be of God or a move of God. It is one of Satan’s craftiest weapons.

If as believers we just hunger and seek after signs and wonders as “evidence” that the Holy Spirit is at work or present then we are in danger of being deceived by false spirits and false manifestations. This will be especially true if we are not rooted and grounded in sound biblical doctrine and the true gospel of Jesus.

This is why discipleship and having a correct understanding of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit are so important. The Word without the Spirit in our lives is not in balance nor is the Spirit without the Word. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. He leads and guides us into truth.

The bible teaches us that satan can appear as an angel of light as do false apostles and false teachers. Paul says this in his letter to the church at Corinth:

“For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15

Have you ever been blinded by a bright light?

If someone has ever shone a light directly into your eyes then you will know what I mean. You become dazzled and blinded by that light and you cannot then see anything else around you.

This is like the blinding light of Satan. It takes your attention from everything else and blinds you to the truth.

God is light and this is why satan also pretends to be light.

Satan still acts in this way today and he will until the end of his time. Counterfeits and deception are still part of his schemes against us, but as Christians we do not have to fear deception but place our confidence in Jesus the rock of our salvation and allow Him to lead and guide us.

We should never blindly accept what is being taught or done but test it’s source. Test it against biblical teaching, test it with fellow believers and test it in prayer with God.

This is part of the word that the Lord laid on my heart I posted previously on this theme;

You will hear a rumour or a word that “The Lord is there ” – Jehovah Shammah” but the Lord says do not be fooled.

The Lord says that in the past many have run after the manifestations of the Holy Spirit because of a deep hunger to meet the Lord and encounter His presence but these have often been false manifestations and have led people into the wrong things and opened up a door in their lives to the enemy by accepting a false anointing or a false spirit to oppress them.

The Lord says that you don’t have to run after manifestations of His glory. The glory of the Lord is coming to you.

Wait patiently for the Lord he says – He will come. He will not disappoint you.

The Lord says that He has already warned us in His word not to run after such manifestations or people that claim to be Him. He says not to do it -for if you do then you will be deceived.

As the lightning streaked across the sky as it did in the storms that roared across this nation in the night and which all could see clearly in the sky, then so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.

Do not be deceived. Do not go running after false manifestations of the Spirit and the glory.

You will know the awesome presence of the Lord for He is Holy and where He is – is Holy. You will not be able to stand in His presence. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. He is Lord and there is no other.

The Lord does things according to His Word. He does not act outside of His Word.

Keep the Word of God close to your heart. Feed on the Word of God. Be guided by the Word and do not be deceived for many false prophecies and false words are circulating at the moment. Many false prophets and leaders are rising up in this hour to lead His people astray.

Do not be deceived says the Lord. Say true to His Word – Put your trust in God and do not be deceived. God is faithful and He is true. He will sustain you and protect you at these times.

Watchmen – Take your place on the city walls. Arise and look out at the horizons.

What do you see?

Warn the body of Christ. Sound the alarm. You need to watch in these days ahead says the Lord. There is an acceleration now occurring and things will happen fast. There is a suddenly approaching – Look and Wait. Sound the alarm when the time comes and warn the body of Christ.

I am grateful for the many believers on this forum who are faithfully teaching and expounding the Word of God and exposing false teaching and false doctrine. May God encourage you as you stand strong in faith.

Blessings to you this day in Jesus name.

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