
“And He (Jesus) opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” Luke.24.45

Understanding what we read or hear is so important. We can have knowledge but no understanding. When I look at a car engine I can know some of the different components, but I am not a trained mechanic or engineer who understands how the engine works. I can have knowledge about parts of the human body, but I don’t have the level of understanding that a Doctor or biologist has about how the body works.

As followers of Christ, we can all at times wrestle with passages of scripture and not understand the bible verses we read fully. We can read a lot but that knowledge won’t help us if we don’t understand it. Understanding the Scriptures is necessary so that we can apply them to shape the life of obedience we are called to live in Christ. This is especially important to avoid being deceived when Scripture is taken out of context and misapplied. Understanding in these days is so necessary to avoid the trap of false teaching and deceit.

Quite often (especially when we are new to faith) the bible can seem overwhelming to read. You might be someone who struggles with reading and it’s difficult to find the desire to start. There are so many books in the bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament..what do I read. Do I start at Genesis and work through? How much should I read at once? It’s in those times that we can feel defeated reading the scriptures and give up. If we don’t start out by reading the right passages at the right level for us and we dive right into the meaty parts before we are ready, then we can struggle and give up altogether. Start reading the Bible in the right place for you..if you are not sure where to start then don’t be shy to ask – your church leader or a fellow believer will help you.

If you find reading the Bible difficult then can I encourage you that help is at hand. The bible tells us this through this wonderful verse in Luke. The first disciples and followers of Jesus were as we know a collection of people from all walks of life – fishermen, tax collectors etc. They were simple men and women of faith who were not trained in the Scriptures to the level that the Pharisees and other teachers of the law were. However, And He (Jesus) opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” Luke.24.45

Jesus took the time to help them understand the Scriptures. One of the first things that Jesus did when He was resurrected was to explain to the two disciples on the road the Scriptures. He helped them understand the Scriptures about the Messiah which He had fulfilled in his death and resurrection. That’s how important us understanding God’s Word is to Him. He wants to help. Jesus through the Holy Spirit that is now living within you, the Lord will help you understand the Scriptures. He wrote them after all so there is no better place to start. Right to the source.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you understanding as you read the Word of God. Even down to – Where does the Lord want me to start or which verse, passage should I read today. The Lord knows the best place.

You might be thinking how will I know. Take that first step. Pick up your bible and pray a simple prayer. Lord, I want to read and understand the scriptures. Help me today. Guide me in my reading and help my understanding. Amen

Next find someone that you can read the Bible with and discuss what you learn. That will help you in your learning and make sure that you stay on track in a good way. Reading the Bible with others is so beneficial as the Holy Spirit inspires and opens our understanding of the Word together.

“Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things” 2Tim.2.7

9 responses to “Understanding..”

  1. This is a lovely but simple (in a nice way!) post guiding us into the Word of God. Sharing the Bible with others face to face is something I yearn for, maybe some day it will happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, this is so true! Where do we start? I have had this same issue many times and often find myself not even starting because of this. Thanks for the advice! God bless 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

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