A warning-Avoid the spirit of rebellion

As I was praying recently, I wrote the following word which the Lord Jesus laid on my heart. Please pray, weigh and test this word.

A day of calamity is arising. It will come from the South. The Queen of the South has left a legacy that still has roots in the people. It will start to rise up now; first shoots and then the stalk and then the leaf. It will be like a cancerous weed that will slowly spread and choke the life out of all that is good, kind and righteous in the people. A rebellion will take hold that will spread like a roaring fire. It will be whipped up by the wind of the enemy, spreading its influence to adjoining nations and then overseas.

Then suddenly I will send My angels who will fight the evil enemy behind this uprising and I will quench it and extinguish and then uproot it.

My children must have no part in this rebellion. It will have a pretence of truth, righteousness and justice but it is all a pretence and a sham. A great lie rooted in corruption and evil. It will blow away like the chaff when I breathe the breath of God on it and roar in the face of evil and overcome it by My radiance. I will shine like the sun and dazzle the enemy. He will be blinded and futile and will turn on his own in his confusion. His pride will yet again be his downfall. Let all who have ears to hear, listen to what the Spirit is say to the bride. Do not align yourself with rebellion and wickedness.

Be at peace with those in authority who do no harm to you and leave you in peace. May the Godly have wisdom and discernment and follow the path of truth and justice and not be led astray by evil workers of iniquity.

Not all who call on My name belong to Me. Not all who profess to love Me are mine. Not all who claim to follow Me do so. They are lovers of self, deluded by their own wickedness and pride who long for the praises of man and to be recognised and praised and lauded for their good works, but I will smash them down to the ground and trample them underfoot for they are not of My Kingdom. They are not of Me and I will not have My name polluted and used for things that are not of Me.

Bear fruit worthy of your calling in Me, My children. Do not bear the fruit of iniquity or pride. Let those who have ears listen to what the Spirit is saying to the bride in these days. Be alert, sober and watchful for the days are evil but they will not last, for I am coming to breathe and blast the enemy from My nostrils, as I snort at him who would seek to exalt his throne above that of the Most High God whose throne is in Heaven and who reigns forever and ever. Amen

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